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Solving Problems in CITY Businesses with Effective Solutions
There's this idea out there among many wannabe CITY business owners that they have to come up with the next completely fresh idea in order to have a great business. Shows like Shark Tank (which I love) go towards creating this kind of mindset -- although the sharks do...
Three Keys To Shorter Meetings For Your Business
Last week I wrote about working less and testing the 80/20 hypothesis for your CITY business work cycle. I'd love to know if you had a chance to consider putting this into practice, send us an email using the email icon at the top right-hand corner of our site when...
A Few More Common Marketing Mistakes Made By Businesses
Seeing what has happened in our nation's fourth-largest city has been a sobering reminder of the fragility of life, and business. It's helpful to be reminded that threats and disasters can (and do) strike from directions that you might least expect. And while this is...
Keeping Your Business Focused On Revenue Growth and Customer Retention
We've been talking about meetings, efficiency, and how CITY small business owners simply have to stay laser-focused on tasks that will bring them and their business towards actually achieving their goals. Especially with all of the political and cultural chaos we're...
The Pareto Principle And Your Company’s Work Cycle
Slogging through the summer, and with the weather still hot, it can be really tempting to sort of press cruise control for the month of August until Labor Day hits us, and *then* really put that nose to the grindstone. But could it be that a rhythm of working a little...
Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners
As you may have heard, "Labor Day" originated during the time of 7-day workweeks of 12-hour days, in the late 1800's, as our country was in the throes of the Industrial Revolution. Times have certainly changed since then -- and our economy is no longer driven by the...
Why Price Reductions are Bad Positioning for (Almost) Any Business
Our hearts remain with those in Houston and, now, South Florida, who has been dealing with such a massive disruption of their lives -- and during a time of year that is already one of the busiest. The IRS has set up a "catch all" page for those cleaning up from...
The First Thing You Need To Do
Set it as your personal goal to increase (or start) your household money moving in these directions:
Let’s Talk About Your Business…
See, relative to their income, the rich are frugal. They save and invest. They spend less than 65% of their take-home pay on day-to-day expenses.
Tax Paperwork Checklist
These days, I'm often glad that it's our busy tax filing season, so that I have an easy excuse when political conversations are happening: Oh THAT [crazy new political story]? Huh, didn't see it -- I'm too busy with tax season. With all of the chaos out there, the...