Can Boca Raton Businesses Still Get the Employee Retention Credit?

Can Boca Raton Businesses Still Get the Employee Retention Credit?

Everybody keeps saying we’re slowly leaving the pandemic behind – and for Boca Raton businesses, that means that pandemic tax relief is disappearing, too. But can you still qualify for one of the most popular of the Covid-related federal breaks: the Employee...
How Boca Raton Owners Can Have a Productive Business Meeting

How Boca Raton Owners Can Have a Productive Business Meeting

Ever finished a meeting and thought That could have been an email? Yeah, I get that. Work meetings are one of those necessary evils that too often end up being time wasters rather than savers.But you can’t simply wave a magic wand and eliminate them (though, in...
How Boca Raton business owners can beat occupational stress

How Boca Raton business owners can beat occupational stress

As a Boca Raton business owner, you carry the weight of your company on your shoulders. But the reward is this: when things go well – your profits are good, you’re meeting your business goals, you’re dreaming for the future, entrepreneurial FREEDOM is in the air...